Rumble 1.9.0 Scan Engine Updates, Reports, and More!


Overview #

Rumble 1.9.0 is out with major updates to the scan engine, reports, fingerprinting, user interface, documentation, and much more!

Scan Engine #

Folks who scan external assets using their hostnames will now see asset correlation occur using the DNS name itself. For environments where IP addresses are constantly changing (load balancers, CDNs, etc) this leads to less churn and a more accurate inventory.

The Rumble Agent and runZero Scanner now detect and automatically filter out invalid services caused by intercepting middle devices such as Fortigate firewalls and Cisco ASAs. If you use these products and certain scans would return completely full subnets, this should resolve it going forward.

The Rumble Agent and runZero Scanner now support a much wider range of interface types, including VPN adapters that use PPP link types, such as OpenVPN and Forticlient.

screenshot of Rumble console highlighting external DNS Correlation

The Rumble scan engine now gathers pre-authentication SSH banners and SSH host keys, along with their fingerprints, from any SSH daemons encountered on the network. Like any other service attribute, these can be queried to find matches, and viewed as a list of unique groups through the Service Attribute report.

SSH Fingerprints

Reports #

The Subnet Utilization and Network Bridges reports now take into account the Site scope, including registered subnets, in order to provide a more accurate view of network segmentation. As we push towards full layer-3 discovery in Rumble, these reports will continue to be refined and become even more useful for planning and diagnostics. The Subnet Utilization report now makes it easy to rescan a specific network from the report.

Subnet Utilization

The Network Bridges report now links all external IP assets together back to the internet-cloud. This can help highlight segmentation issues and better highlights internet-facing assets.

Network Bridges

The Query Library has been updated with new queries to identify Treck devices affected by Ripple20 and F5 BIG-IP devices that may expose recent vulnerabilities in the TMUI management interface. The Rumble-provided queries have been updated to use the _asset.protocol filter to speed up searches across large organizations.

Query Library

User Interface #

For folks with many recurring or completed scans, the new Search tab in the Tasks view makes task management easier. Sort by the Next column to get quickly get a list of upcoming scans.

Tasks Sorted by Next

The Scan Configuration page has received some big updates. SNMP parameters are now easier to configure in scans, with the most common options brought to the top of the form, from the depths of the advanced prope options. Other scan options have been condensed to make configuration faster and easier. Validation issues in the scan configuration will now show a notification as well as the per-field error message, to make diagnostics easier.

SNMP Options

Prior to launch or updating a scan, a confirmation is now shown with the estimate scan runtime and target count, based on the provided scope and scan speed. This can help prevent typos from leading to long scan times or unwanted network traffic.

Scan Confirmation

Release Notes #

The complete release notes for v1.9.0 can be found in our documentation

If you haven't had a chance to try runZero before, or would like to play with the new features, sign up for a free trial and let us know what you think!

Written by HD Moore

HD Moore is the co-founder and CEO of runZero. Previously, he founded the Metasploit Project and served as the main developer of the Metasploit Framework, which is the world's most widely used penetration testing framework.
More about HD Moore
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