Our private previews are invite-only for customers who have requested similar features or functionality, while our public previews are open to all customers as an opt-in or evaluation feature within runZero. We will provide guidance on using the preview functionality, as well as some key questions about the feedback we are hoping to receive from you.
Our feature previews can last anywhere from two weeks to two months from preview feature deployment to feedback completion.
Preview features will go to GA shortly after the evaluation period ends - while the functionality may change slightly, access to the feature will be continuous. Some preview features may be part of a new package or product within runZero. If that is the case, we will let you know before the preview begins and your Account Executive will work with you during the preview period to provide pricing should you wish to continue using the functionality once it ends.
We ask that you not discuss these features outside of your team and company until they have been formally released by runZero. Please do not blog, post screenshots, tweet, or otherwise share information about the preview feature during the process.
There is no charge to participate in the preview program. We appreciate your time and feedback on our new features!
The product team will provide a form with questions applicable to the features you are testing for runZero.
All preview testing is voluntary and there is no compensation. You will, however, have our gratitude and appreciation!
We will analyze the feedback provided by all preview testers to find immediate improvements and plan future improvements based on the frequency of a request and feasibility.